add-circle-bold add-circle add-square add alarm-bell-1 alert-diamond analytics-pie-2 archive archive arrow-down-1 arrow-down-2 arrow-left-1 arrow-right-1 arrow-up-1 attachment-1 bin-paper-1 book-star button-record check-1 check-circle-1 close close-quote close cog-1 cog common-file-stack copy-paste credit-card-1 diagram-fall-down disable time-clock-midnight download-thick-bottom drawer-send envelope-letter envelope-letter expand-6 expand-6 file-code filter-1 floppy-disk flying-insect-honey folder-file-1 headphones-customer-support hierarchy-9 hyperlink-2 information-circle keyboard-arrow-down keyboard-arrow-up layout-module-1 list-bullets lock-2 lock-unlock-1 love-it messages-bubble-square move-to-top multiple-circle multiple-neutral-1 multiple-users-1 navigation-menu-horizontal navigation-menu network-browser open-quote pencil-1 pencil-write pencil-1 print-text rating-star rating-star remove-circle remove-square-1 search send-email-1 shield-warning single-neutral-actions single-neutral smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-smile-1_1 smiley-happy smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-happy smiley-thrilled social-media-twitter synchronize-arrows-1 tags-double ticket-1 ticket-1 time-clock-circle undo view-1 view-off view wench

Embeds: Interactive elements for your link in bio

Maximize the impact of your efforts by integrating your MyLnker with your social media and other accounts. Embedding content from these platforms into your MyLnker creates a cohesive and engaging user experience, encouraging visitors to explore your offerings. These integrations help draw attention to all your content across different platforms, ensuring your message reaches a wider audience.


Showcase Instagram content directly in your MyLnker to drive traffic to your Instagram profile.



Embed YouTube videos so visitors can watch them without leaving MyLnker.



Share your favorite music, a thematic playlist, or your Spotify podcast.


Google Maps

Display your address using Google Maps within MyLnker, making it easy for visitors to find you.


Google Forms

Collect contact information, feedback, or other user data with embedded Google Forms.



Simplify scheduling appointments, meetings, or reservations with Calendly integration in MyLnker.



Allow visitors to easily reserve a table at your restaurant by integrating TouchBistro with MyLnker.


Enhance your MyLnker with these interactive elements to provide a richer user experience!