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Using Analytics: How to track and interpret your link in bio performance

Tracking and interpreting the analytics of your link in bio is essential for improving your strategy and maximizing its effectiveness. By regularly monitoring the Analytics section, you can gain valuable insights into your audience's behavior and preferences.


General Information


MyFavs reflects the number of people who have given a "Fav" to your MyLnker. This metric helps you understand how much your audience appreciates and engages with your content.

Visits in Links

Visits in Links shows the number of times visitors have clicked the buttons on your link in bio. This information is crucial for identifying which links are most popular and effective.

Activity Time

Activity Time indicates the average time visitors spend on your MyLnker. A higher activity time suggests that your content is engaging and retains visitor interest.

Visits in Banner

Visits in Banner reflects the number of people who have clicked the link in your banner. This metric can help you assess the effectiveness of your banner in driving traffic to specific promotions or pages.


Detailed Information


The Visitors section shows the number of people accessing your MyLnker each day. Monitoring this metric helps you understand daily traffic patterns and the overall reach of your link in bio.


Visitors Location

The Visitors Location section displays a map that shows the countries where your visitors are located. This geographic data can inform your content and marketing strategies to better cater to your audience's location.



The Devices section indicates whether your visitors are using phones, computers, or other devices. Understanding the devices your audience uses can help you optimize your MyLnker for different platforms, ensuring a seamless user experience.


Make it a habit to regularly review your analytics and update your MyLnker accordingly. Keeping your content fresh and relevant based on your audience's preferences will help maintain engagement and drive traffic, achieving better results with your MyLnker.