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Experiencing Warnings on Instagram or TikTok with Your MyLnker URL? Here's What to Do!

Sometimes, you might see error or warning messages when you click on your MyLnker URL from your Instagram or TikTok profiles.

These messages are generated by the Instagram or TikTok apps, and unfortunately, MyLnker can't control when or why they appear. If you need more help, you can contact Instagram or TikTok directly via their help center. 

How to Ensure Your MyLnker is Working Smoothly

These warnings are typically set up by app creators to check links in your bio for security risks and to prevent users from artificially boosting their profile stats by clicking their own bio links.

But don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with your MyLnker. These warnings are random and can happen to anyone, not just MyLnker users.

If these messages are stopping you from checking if your MyLnker is working, here are some friendly tips:

Check in a Browser:

  • Open your Instagram or TikTok profile in a web browser (make sure you’re logged out). This way, you can see your profile as your followers do. Click on your MyLnker URL, and it should open normally.

Get a Friend’s Help:

  • Ask a friend to visit your profile and see if the link is working for them.

If you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help!