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MyLnker for AppSumo

Hey Sumoling! Everything you need to get started with MyLnker through AppSumo is right here.
5 articles

How to delete my account

If you need to delete your MyLnker account, here’s what you need to know: Within 60 Days of Purchase If you're within the first 60 days of purchase, you can request a refund. Once the refund is processed, we will automatically deactivate your account and MyLnker. After 60 Days If more than 60 days have ...

What are you gaining with each code?

With each code, you will be able to access a new set of MyLnker features. MyLnker Pro 1 MyLnker Pro in one account Advanced customization Content Embeds (Google Forms, Calendly, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, Google Maps, TouchBistro) Add an Advertising Banner Verify your MyLnker MyLnker Pro + Shop All...

How to stack a second or third AppSumo code

Got more than one AppSumo code? Follow these steps to enter your additional codes: Click your avatar in the top right corner. Select My Account. In the left menu, choose AppSumo. Paste the new AppSumo code in the Code field. Click Apply Code. That's it! Thank you for preferring MyLnker. ✨

Is your AppSumo code not working?

Don't stress! We're here to help. Please, first check the following possible reasons: Remove any extra spaces: Make sure there are no spaces on the right or left of the code when typing or pasting it into the field. Check for Typos: Double-check the code for any typos or incorrect characters. We sug...

Getting started on MyLnker with AppSumo

So you found MyLnker on the AppSumo site, got yourself a code, and now you're wondering how to apply it. Follow these steps to get started: Go to the link: Fill out the email and password fields. Paste your AppSumo code and click Apply code. Click Next. Finish th...